Attachment linked from: DIY Make a backup first OPEN wp-admin/user-edit.php FIND if ( !is_wp_error( $errors ) ) { $redirect = (IS_PROFILE_PAGE ? "profile.php?" : "user-edit.php?user_id=$user_id&"). "updated=true"; $redirect = add_query_arg('wp_http_referer', urlencode($wp_http_referer), $redirect); wp_redirect($redirect); exit; FIND # Note, this is the line below or directly after exit; } REPLACE WITH } elseif ($current_user->has_cap('edit_posts') === false) { $redirect = "profile.php?" . "errors=" . urlencode(implode('||',$errors->get_error_messages())); wp_redirect($redirect); exit; } // OPEN customize-your-community/cyc.php FIND if ($_GET['updated'] == true) { echo '

Your profile has been updated.

'; } AFTER, ADD if (isset($_GET['errors'])) { $error_messages = explode("||", $_GET['errors']); echo '

Something went wrong:'; foreach ($error_messages as $the_msg) { echo "$the_msg"; } echo '

'; } //